Friday, August 8, 2008

Yappy Hour

Friday - YAY! Got home from the studio and took Sydney down to the Bark Park. At first, we were alone, but shortly after there were five dogs running around and that is when things got fun. It was nice to see Syd playing and romping with the other dogs since she can sometimes be needy and timid.

The boys were sweet on Syd. Her first admirer was Jack, the shitzu. Jack was smitten with Syd, but she was lukewarm about the whole thing...sorry Jack...

Mozart, the Pomeranian, was another story. Syd and Mozart were romping and chasing one another in the park and having a blast. So cute to see Syd playfully interacting with other dogs. The footage you don't see, however, ends with Mozart getting a little fresh with Sydney who will be 11 years old on August 14th. She is a sassy senior K-9 citizen. Grrrr baby...grrrr

Dinner: Grilled cheese and black bean soup.

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