Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Tweeple - People Who Tweet or Twitter

Twitter is a social networking / micro-blogging tool where users answer the question: What are you doing? I try to post a few times a day. I think the more you Twitter...the more you Twitter. I am such a Twit that I have hooked up my Twitter account to update on my blog.

I first heard about Twitter in a news story where an American photographer was freed after being jailed during an anti-government protest. His status update, or "tweet," was simply "Arrested." From then on word spread through his network and the wheels were put in motion to grant his release. Here is the link to the CNN Article.

With that said Twitter has become one of the latest digital phenomena. A rather funny parody has been floating around and I thought I'd post it. The scenes are from a German war movie and the subtitles match up well in a Mystery Science 3000 way. Apparently, even Hitler gets his Twitter on and becomes upset that the service is down. Move along through the slow parts - there are really funny bits in there. Enjoy!

1 comment:

Scott Elias said...

I love it. Comic gold. How did I miss this for so long?!?